Германия отворачивается от России. Что это значит для Украины?

Germany turns away from Russia. What does it mean for Ukraine?
21 Oct, 2014

The newest history of Russia which includes the illegal annexation of Crimea, seriously determined the short and long-term perspectives for cooperation with the USA and European Union. It seems to the Geostrategy Group that there are no possible options to restore the trust and confidence between Putin and official Berlin. What is the whole picture of worsening of relationships between former strategic partners – Russia and Germany?

Крым – это украинская ковырялка

Crimea is a leverage for Ukraine
17 Oct, 2014

15 октября 2014 года во время эфира на довольно –таки либеральном российском радио «Эхо Москвы» оппозиционный российский политик Алексей НАВАЛЬНЫЙ сделал прогнозируемое и, в то же время, очень неприятное для украинских граждан заявление. Он признал Крым частью России и выразил уверенность в том, что полуостров останется в ее составе. В интервью «Эху Москвы» политик порекомендовал украинцам отталкиваться от этого факта.

Вот прямая цитата высказывания Навального:

Україна у світових мас-медіа. Доповідь №2

Ukraine in the world mass-media. Report #2
09 Oct, 2014

The Second Report on how the international mass-media cover the developments in Ukraine, particularly related to the tensions on Eastern Ukraine is presented below. The new trends of covering, sometimes rather unpleased for the Ukrainian Government, appeared in the world mass-media. Proceeding from those trends Ukrainian politicians must demonstrate the concrete results in implementation of reforms, even despite obvious difficulties on Eastern Ukraine.

Европа сдает экзамен на геополитическую зрелость

The EU is passing test on geopolitical maturity
24 Sep, 2014

Events that are taking place in the Eastern Ukraine are becoming for the European Union as a very important test on the geopolitical maturity, for the ability of the EU not only sounds, but also to be a real player in the European continent. If the EU is strong enough to resist the Russian pressure, Brussels would definitely confirm its ability to change the regime of Putin in the nearest future, making Russia more democratic and predictable partner.

Думки з Європи. Про геополітику

Some thoughts from Europe. About geopolitics
14 Sep, 2014

Europe is very much interested in making some practical things in order to undermine the political regime of Putin. Unexpectedly for Russia, the European Union wakes up and impose new painful sanctions against Russia, along with the United States. Putin is surprised; he miscalculated with the EU and the USA. His regime slides into the dangerous phase.

Почему НАТО становится главным врагом России?

Why NATO again becomes the enemy of Russia?
08 Sep, 2014

The analysis of the main political messages declared by the Russian president Putin during the last years clearly indicated that Kremlin is very much worried about the NATO’s expansions on the East Europe. The reason why Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 is also lying in the same format. Using this rhetoric, Putin is trying to create for the Russian society the image of the foreign enemy.

Tags: РосіяНАТО

Новый дипломный скандал: в фокусе – Ягланд

New diploma scandal: Jagland is in focus
04 Sep, 2014

According the outcomes of the analyses conducted by the Geostrategy Group, some factual mistake occurred in the official biography of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland. Those mistakes particularly related to the diploma of Oslo University. It looks like Jagland does not have it. What are hiding behind this factual mistake?

Міжнародна реакція на пряме вторгнення РФ в Україну

International reaction on the Russian aggression
29 Aug, 2014

The Russian military aggression against Ukraine which became the reality on the ground on August 28, 2014 was widely condemned by the majority of the world political leaders. Putin is pushing Russian people to the international isolation with a high speed. It clearly reflects in the statements made by the world leaders.

Какую линию разлома Европы создала Украина?

What kind a fault line Ukraine created in Europe?
21 Aug, 2014

The bloody crisis in the Eastern Ukraine provoked by the Russian Federation is negatively affecting the most European Union’s countries. First and foremost, it relates to the context of the economic consequences. At the same time, there no reasons for celebration the so-called “victory of Russia over the Europe”.The political perspectives for Putin are very bleak.

Россия теряет Африку. Причина - конфликт в Украине

Russia is losing Africa
15 Aug, 2014

While Russian President Vladimir Putin's capabilities threw on a senseless bloody war with neighboring Ukraine, his own country continues to rapidly lose political and economical influence in the world. In this regard, African continent is a very obvious example.