The Euromaidan events, occurred in 2014, and Russian military aggression against Crimean Peninsula and in the Donbas as consequences of those developments dramatically changed the political attitude of Azerbaijan towards Ukraine. The political approaches of Baku were also significantly changed towards the Russian Federation. What are the today’s political preferences which the official Baku is following?
Азербайджан отворачивается от Украины?
Is Azerbaijan turning from Ukraine?
25 Feb, 2015
Чи повторить Україна «рекорд» виборів в Азербайджані?
Is Ukraine able to repeat the success of the elections in Azerbaijan?
31 Oct, 2013
On October 9, 2013 the President of Azerbaijan Ilham ALIEV was reelected third times as a President of this country. Given the existence of the strained relations between the President of Azerbaijan and the West, the Geostrategy analysts extrapolated Azerbaijan’s example on Ukraine which has already started preparation to its own presidential election campaign - 2015. Perceptions by Brussels and Washington of both politicians – Ilham Aliev and Viktor Yanukovych - are very similar. What conclusions should make Kyiv in upcoming election campaign based on the example of the presidential elections in Azerbaijan?