The mass-media covered the elections to the European Parliament putting the particular stress on the so-called new political trend reflects the increasing of Euro skepticism among the EU member-states. But the situation on the ground is slightly different: the Central Europe is saving the Euro perspectives for Ukraine.
Центральна Європа рятує європерспективу України
Central Europe saves the Euro-perspective for Ukraine
Росія розпочинає спецоперацію проти європейських політиків
Russia launches special operations against European politicians
The failure in signing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union considered by Russian diplomacy as an important victory achieved on the way of formation in 2015 of a new interstate association - the Eurasian Economic Union. For further successful continuation of these efforts Russia is planning to launch the special operations against the member of the European Parliament who provided significant support for the Eastern Partnership countries.
On the eve of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, many confusing events are taking place. At first glance, they do not have anything in common, as occur in different parts of Ukraine and the world. But analysts of the Geostrategy Group, who poses the considerable experience in the field of foreign policy planning events, attempted to tie together some of them. That is what came out of it.
Российские разведчики спешат на слет в Москве?
Urgent meeting of the Russian spies in Moscow?
According to its own analysis provided on the basis of the available sources of information, the urgent meeting of the Russian service of foreign intelligence staff who is working in the countries of the European Union “under cover” of the numerous international organizations might take place in Moscow on upcoming days
На этих выходных в российскую столицу – город Москву – приедет много российских граждан, среди которых будут люди довольно редкой профессии: сотрудники ряда международных организаций, таких как ОБСЕ, ООН, Совета Европы, а также разного рода структур, занимающихся обеспечением жизнедеятельности НАТО и Европейского Союза.