21 червня в Люксембурзі відбулося засідання Ради міністрів закордонних справ держав-членів Європейського Союзу у рамках якого обговорено питання посилення політичного та санкційного тиску на Білорусь. Результатами засідання стали рішення Євросоюзу «бити по гаманцям Лукашенка».
Переизбрание Путина: при чем тут Беларусь?
Putin’s reelection: why Belarus matters?
Russian president Putin is worried how he might be able to be re-elected after 2024 without amending of the Russian Constitution. The nature of the Belarus – Russia Treaty that was signed in 1999 by Lukashenko and former Russian President Boris Yeltsin is providing some new ideas for Putin. Will it fly out or not, and what the challenges are ahead?
Россия готовится открывать «второй фронт». Через Беларусь
Russia is preparing to open the second front. Through Belarus
The president of Russia Putin visited Republic of Belarus at the beginning of July, 2014. He had a restricted meeting with the president of Belarus Lukashenko. There is no information about the issues discussed on this meeting. But the Geostrategy Group has received some indications that the plan of possible entering Russian army through the territory of Belarus to Ukraine was discussed. What Ukraine should think as an adequate response to this potential challenge?