Китай оцінив результати зустрічі Трамп-Путін

China assessed Trump-Putin meeting
22 Jul, 2018

The very fact of the Trump - Putin summit and the possible improvement of relations between the United States and the Russian Federation met with appreciation of the official Beijing and Chinese experts, for which the main intrigue of the meeting was the opportunity to achieve some kind of mutual agreement between the two countries on their joint actions against the interests of the People's Republic of China.

США стабілізують відносини із ЄС

The US stabilizes relations with the EU
19 Oct, 2017

In a 60-minute interview in mid-January 2017, the U.S. president Donald TRAMP criticized the European Union as "basically a vehicle for Germany" claiming that it was a "very catastrophic mistake" on Angela Merkel’s part to admit a million refugees - whom he refers to as "illegals". Is it still the tension between the EU and US or it slowly comes on the normalization level?

Президент США у Брюсселі повільно входив у «українське досьє»

The US President and Ukraine’s dossier
31 May, 2017

The first trip of the US President to Europe created mix feelings regarding the anticipation what a format would be for further development of the EU – US strategic relationships. However, despite anything, there is a fact that the US President is not very much involved and even not interested to be involving into the European affairs. At the same time, the expansion of the NATO at the expense of Montenegro has proved opposite thinking.

Як зміняться відносини США – ЄС після приходу Трампа?

How the EU – US relations will be changed under Tramp?
26 Jan, 2017

The new US Administration is thinking how to follow the relationships with the EU and NATO – key transatlantic partners, which were the pillars in the period of long-term confrontation with the former Soviet Union. But now there are so many unclear challenges hybrid threats coming not only directly from Moscow, but also from the very close ally – from the United States. What Ukraine should expect from those developments, and how the EU might face it?

США готуються до продажу зброї В’єтнаму

The US prepares for selling weapons to Vietnam
10 Jun, 2016

The US – Vietnam relations is warming quickly. During the visit of the US President to this country in May, 2016 the unprecedented historical decision was announced: the White House is going to abandon embargo on selling weapons to Vietnam which was imposed more than sixty years ago. In this regard, Ukraine is asking Washington about its own perspectives for receiving lethal weapons from the US.

Три стратегічних важелі США для тиску на Росію

The US leverages of influence on Russia
18 May, 2016

28 квітня 2016 року в Палаті представників США був зареєстрований законопроект №5094 під назвою «Акт стабільності та демократії в Україні» (Stability and Democracy for Ukraine Act / STAND for Ukraine Act).

Украина глазами США: взгляд Киссинджера

Ukraine through the eyes of the US: a look of Kissinger
26 Nov, 2014

The former State Secretary of the Unites States Henry Kissinger, who is one of the most inclinational foreign policy experts in the world, expressed on different occasions its opinions on recent developments about relations between Russia and the West. What does it mean for Ukrainian long-term national intestates? And how Russian behavior could affect the world’s future? 

Россия теряет Африку. Причина - конфликт в Украине

Russia is losing Africa
15 Aug, 2014

While Russian President Vladimir Putin's capabilities threw on a senseless bloody war with neighboring Ukraine, his own country continues to rapidly lose political and economical influence in the world. In this regard, African continent is a very obvious example.

В 2014 році США посилять вплив на оборонну політику Євросоюзу

The United States will strengthen the impact on the EU’s defense policy
05 Nov, 2013

According to the sources of the Geostrategy, in 2014, the United States may become an associate member of the Force for Europe and the Atlantic Alliance (EUROCORPS). This unprecedented event suggests that Europe still can not make a "separation from the United States" and to begin apart from Noth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) the formation of its own military forces, thereby increasing their own military and political weight.

Поразка «Набукко» спонукає Вашингтон до нових дій в регіоні Каспійського моря

The defeat of Nabucco encourages the US to new actions in the Caspian region
15 Aug, 2013

Сенат США зайнявся питанням будівництва нових шляхів постачання енергетичних ресурсів з регіону Каспійського моря до ринку Європейського Союзу. На початку вересня 2013 року американські законодавці будуть ставити перед Адміністрацією Президента США низку питань, покликаних активізувати процес постачання енергоносіїв з регіону Каспійського моря на ринок Європи. Що ж конкретно робитиме Вашингтон в регіоні Каспію? І які наслідки від цих дій матиме Європа?