The Russian military aggression against Ukraine which became the reality on the ground on August 28, 2014 was widely condemned by the majority of the world political leaders. Putin is pushing Russian people to the international isolation with a high speed. It clearly reflects in the statements made by the world leaders.
Міжнародна реакція на пряме вторгнення РФ в Україну
International reaction on the Russian aggression
Какую линию разлома Европы создала Украина?
What kind a fault line Ukraine created in Europe?
The bloody crisis in the Eastern Ukraine provoked by the Russian Federation is negatively affecting the most European Union’s countries. First and foremost, it relates to the context of the economic consequences. At the same time, there no reasons for celebration the so-called “victory of Russia over the Europe”.The political perspectives for Putin are very bleak.
Россия теряет Африку. Причина - конфликт в Украине
Russia is losing Africa
While Russian President Vladimir Putin's capabilities threw on a senseless bloody war with neighboring Ukraine, his own country continues to rapidly lose political and economical influence in the world. In this regard, African continent is a very obvious example.
Россия готовится открывать «второй фронт». Через Беларусь
Russia is preparing to open the second front. Through Belarus
The president of Russia Putin visited Republic of Belarus at the beginning of July, 2014. He had a restricted meeting with the president of Belarus Lukashenko. There is no information about the issues discussed on this meeting. But the Geostrategy Group has received some indications that the plan of possible entering Russian army through the territory of Belarus to Ukraine was discussed. What Ukraine should think as an adequate response to this potential challenge?
Уходящие поезда. Киев-Брюссель и Москва-Пекин
Passing trains. Kyiv – Brussels and Moscow - Beijing
The ongoing political and military tensions that are now taking place in the Eastern Ukraine – Donbas and Luhansk –clearly show that huge geopolitical rift is appearing on the border between Europe and Eurasia. Russian has already made its choice. Ukraine is also doing its own, but with very painful consequences.
Криза в Україні: яку стратегію обере Румунія?
Crisis in Ukraine: what strategy Romania chooses?
The dippiest political crisis in the Ukrainian-Russian relations occurred since 1990th and dramatically caused to the brutal annexation by Russia the territory of Crimea has threatened seriously the neighboring country – Romania. What political, military and energy strategy Bucharest will choose for responding to facing the mentioned dramatic challenges?
EU Common Agricultural Policy: the major framework
Базисні положення аграрної політики ЕС
The Common Agricultural Policy's share in the European Union budget has decreased significantly over time, from around 70 percent in the 1960s to roughly 40 percent in the 2010s, and will probably keep decreasing in the future. The progressive transition to service economies, in which agriculture is not as important, partially explains this factor.
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Центральна Азія почала вагатися з приводу Євразійського союзу
Central Asia hesitates about its Eurasian perspectives
Falling of Yanukovych’s regime caused by pressure from civil society, and the annexation of the Russian Federation a part of Ukraine, spooked Central Asia. Primarily - Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, where significant Russian-speaking population are living. The local residents fear that the Kremlin could use this as an excuse for domestic interference in their lives by playing the same "Crimean card."
Калининград может перейти под протекторат Германии?
Can Kaliningrad be putted under the protectorate of Germany?
Some strange so-called political tranquility of the European Union during the unfolding crisis in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea forced the Geostrategy group to thinking about the motives standing behind this the EU approach. As consequences the interesting thing was unexpectedly discovered: why Berlin might permit Russia to take the Crimea off Ukraine.
Кримська криза: початок загострення світових конфліктів
The crisis in Crimea exacerbates existing conflicts in the world
The Geostrategy considers the crisis situation in the Crimea in a broader international context. In the world today there are many conflict zones, similar to the situation in the Autonomy. These conflicts are in various stages of development, but the brutal behavior of Russia could cause them sharp aggravation and, consequently, the occurrence of latent conflicts in the “hot phase”.