Кримська криза: початок загострення світових конфліктів

The crisis in Crimea exacerbates existing conflicts in the world
21 Mar, 2014

The Geostrategy considers the crisis situation in the Crimea in a broader international context. In the world today there are many conflict zones, similar to the situation in the Autonomy. These conflicts are in various stages of development, but the brutal behavior of Russia could cause them sharp aggravation and, consequently, the occurrence of latent conflicts in the “hot phase”.

Турция готова сдать Крым России?

Is Turkey preparing to surrender Crimea?
10 Mar, 2014

The ongoing profound political crisis in Crimea is affecting the whole Black sea region. Turkey, which is a Ukraine’s strategic partner, is strangely keeping the silence on this matter. What reasons are behind of this rather strange Turkey’s behavior? Are there any secret agreements reached between Turkey and Russia – the country which is deeply and quickly sliding into the international isolation?

Угрожают ли Украине конституционные реформы в Румынии и Венгрии?

Is reforms in Hungary and Romania are threatening Ukraine?
04 Mar, 2014

The constitutional reforms in two neighboring countries – Hungary and Romania – are aiming at enforcing the Parliaments and weakening the Presidents in both countries. These trends are happening because these two countries intend to react more quickly on the geopolitical challenges that appear in the region of the Eastern and Central Europe. What does it mean for Ukraine?

Треба негайно заспокоїти Росію

Ukraine should immediately appease Russia
25 Feb, 2014

The aggressive behavior of Russia after quick collapse of Viktor Yanukovych’s political regime, especially in Crimea, is threatening Ukraine’s territorial integrity and political sovereignty. It should stimulate official Kyiv to making urgent efforts on the path of calming down Russia and ensuring Moscow that the new Government of Ukraine will remain interested in continuation of cooperation with Russia in nuclear energy, airplane and military industries. 

Леонід Кожара будує корупційні схеми

The MFA prepares corruption scheme
21 Feb, 2014

The acting foreign minister Leonod Kozhara is preparing the corruption scheme which is solely aimed at using the state budget resources for personal enrichment of the minister and his close partners.

Чим загрожує Україні занепад російських регіонів?

How declining of Russian regions threatens Ukraine?
18 Feb, 2014

According to the accumulated recent data statistics on the development of the 83 Russian regions, rather difficult political and economical perspective could be predicted for its neighboring country. Difficult situation in the Russian regions has already leaded to covert rebellion. Ukrainian officials should think twice before deciding to turn to the Customs Union instead of the EU perspectives.

Росія розпочинає спецоперацію проти європейських політиків

Russia launches special operations against European politicians
25 Dec, 2013

The failure in signing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union considered by Russian diplomacy as an important victory achieved on the way of formation in 2015 of a new interstate association - the Eurasian Economic Union. For further successful continuation of these efforts Russia is planning to launch the special operations against the member of the European Parliament who provided significant support for the Eastern Partnership countries.

Какие санкции может ввести Запад против Украины?

What kind of sanctions can be applied towards Ukraine?
18 Dec, 2013

During last two weeks the United States and the European Union has began to speak loudly about the possible implication of the international economical and political sanctions towards Ukraine. Proceeding from the Western’s serious intentions, the needs for detailed explanations what sanctions could be applied to Ukrainian politicians appeared suddenly. Therefore analysts have examined the different form of international sanctions that might be imposed as towards the Ukrainian personalities as well as the biggest companies such as the SKM-group, SMART-group, GDF, Ferrexpo and UkrSpezExport.

Роль Німеччини у президентських виборах в Україні 2015 року

The role of Germany in elections 2015 in Ukraine
16 Dec, 2013

In December 2013 the mass-media of Germany confirmed the rumor that the German Government is ready to make a political bet on Volodymyr Klitschko. Because the German mass-media just reconfirmed the assumption made by the Geostrategy in August 2012 the analysts decided to take a more deep look on this important political issue.

Нагірний Карабах: чи можливі зміни у світлі ірано-американського потепління?

Nagorno-Karabakh: whether changes possible in view of improving the USA-Iran relations?
12 Dec, 2013

The latest developments in the United States – Iran relations are staring to change the geopolitical checks and balances in the Caucuses regions settled up within the Soviet era. But now those obvious improvements between Washington and Teheran appeared on November 2013 might reflect on the whole Caucuses region and especially on the perspective of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement. What does it mean for Ukraine?