The illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 by the Russian Federation leaded to the situation when Odesa begins to play vitally important role for further Moscow’s political and military expansion over Ukraine. Multiple bombing attacks on the city occurred in 2014. But despite it Russia continues to lose Odesa as a platform for destabilizing situation in Ukraine.
Москва ограничит финансирование дипломатии и разведки
Moscow restricts financing its diplomacy and intelligence
Аналитики группы глобальной разведки Geostrategy, проведя финансовые расчеты параметров федерального бюджета России, пришли к выводу, что в следующем году объемы финансирования Министерства иностранных дел России и Службы внешней разведки будут существенно урезаны. Такое решение связано с несколькими факторами.
Прогноз на 2015 рік: період з багатьма невідомими
Forecast on 2015: period with unknowns
According to our estimations, the new 2015 will become very fragile as in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian bilateral relations as well as in the global European context. Russia continues suffering from the sanctions imposed by the West, and therefore the Russian Government is expected to be substituted. Ukraine will have unique chance to make profound internal reforms in extremely difficult circumstances.
Західні ЗМІ про кризу: перспективи поки не зрозумілі
International media about crisis: perspectives are unclear
The large number of analytical materials that were published in mass-media and leading non-governmental organizations in foreign policy during latest November – December 2015, raised serious concerns regarding the perspective of the settlement crisis between Ukraine and Russia. According to them, there are still not reachable solutions of this complicated crisis and Russia will be suffered even more that Ukraine.
Россия начинает поиск компромисов
Russia starts finding compromises
In Russian expert community a very fragile processes of finding possible compromises about the future of the Donbass and Crimea has been launched. This process indicates the desire of some Russian experts to stop the insanity that occurs in the Russian-Ukrainian relations. Three are some scenarios that are being discussed on the expert level. The deep-frozen conflict on Donbass seems the most visible at the current stage.
Паніка на Рубльовці. Усе справді погано
Panic on Rublevka. Everything really bad
The Geostrategy Group recently communicated with a few very wealthy Russian families that have long been living in the European Union’s countries. These families have a joint Russian-European business, which began in late 1990 upset years. After talking emerged the feeling that the Russian middle class is moving from his usual state of comfort towards a panic.
Украина глазами США: взгляд Киссинджера
Ukraine through the eyes of the US: a look of Kissinger
The former State Secretary of the Unites States Henry Kissinger, who is one of the most inclinational foreign policy experts in the world, expressed on different occasions its opinions on recent developments about relations between Russia and the West. What does it mean for Ukrainian long-term national intestates? And how Russian behavior could affect the world’s future?
В России расцветают националистические движения
Nationalistic trends are increasing in Russia
After the Euromaidan, when the political power in Ukraine had been dramatically changed, Russia started very aggressive behavior towards Ukrainians. Many nationalistic labels were applied towards Ukrainian power and average people. But what is the real internal situation in Russia regarding the intolerance towards other national minorities living in RF? The situation is very threatening.
«Международные наблюдатели» как зеркало влияния Кремля
"International observers" as a mirror of the Kremlin influence
The so-called “international observers”, who participated on November 02 in the so-called “elections” in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, are fully associated with Russian lobbyists groups acting in the EU countries. The Geostrategy came to the conclusions that the Russian company Gazprom stands behind the financing of “international observer’s” participation in Eastern Ukraine illegal elections.
Уголь в украинской энергетике
A growing deficit of coal in Ukraine
By the end of 2014 Ukraine will be 4 million tons short of coal. The deficit stems from the fact that 88 of the 93 Ukrainian mines operating in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, which together account for 70% of domestic production, are located in areas controlled by the militants. What Ukraine should do in order to become less dependent on coal from Luhansk and Donetsk?