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Is China ready to step down?
08 Jul, 2016

During the last decades we are witnessing that China demonstrates the high international economic activities. But latest developments that are taking place on the Chinese market is demonstrating the slow economic growth. It jeopardizes some Russian plans towards China which is considered official Beijing as a new strategic partner. Who will win in this geopolitical gambles and who will loose in it?

Warsaw Summit of NATO: what Ukraine can expect?

01 Jul, 2016

On the 8th and 9th of July, 2016 various heads of state and governments of NATO members countries will meet in Warsaw for NATO’s annual summit. While several things will be discussed during the summit, such the developments in Libya and security in Afghanistan, it is without a doubt that Ukrainian representatives will want to discuss its current military reforms, its continued conflict in Donbas and its Russian military participation.

США готуються до продажу зброї В’єтнаму

The US prepares for selling weapons to Vietnam
10 Jun, 2016

The US – Vietnam relations is warming quickly. During the visit of the US President to this country in May, 2016 the unprecedented historical decision was announced: the White House is going to abandon embargo on selling weapons to Vietnam which was imposed more than sixty years ago. In this regard, Ukraine is asking Washington about its own perspectives for receiving lethal weapons from the US.

Праві партії в Європі: де зараз і що буде потім?

Right parties in Europe: where they are and where will be?
01 Jun, 2016

The Right-political movements are steadily rising in Europe. The major preconditions for appearing of such phenomena relates to deterioration of the social-political situation in the EU member-state. Another reason for such processes is the active position of the some oligarchs who are paying a lot in order to financially support rights movements in Europe. Doing so, they do try to destroy the unity of the European Union, especially regarding the issues as anti-Russian sanctions imposed after the illegal occupation of Ukrainian Crimea.

Референдум в Нідерландах: політикам нагадали, що вони живуть не на хуторі Україна

08 Apr, 2016

Референдум в Нідерландах — це виклик для України, але не зупинка її поступу до Європи. Це перемога євроскептиків і питання до європейців — вони з цим викликом справляться, але питання — як, хто буде ініціатором? Була криза грецька, потім криза мігрантів, зараз криза референдуму. Вона не така гостра, але вона гостра для політиків. Друге — українським політикам ще раз нагадали, що вони не живуть на хуторі, ризики їх політичного життя посилюються, і вони вже давно у пастці, і питання часу, коли це проявиться. І нарешті — ми повинні більш професійніше ставитися до інформаційно-комунікативних заходів, які ми проводимо у інших країнах, бо наші спроби в останній момент щось змінити спрацювали з точністю до навпаки

Сусіди Росії: коло «недругів» стрімко розширюється

Russia’s neighbors: the circle of unfriendly states widens
02 Mar, 2016

The aggressive behavior of the Russian Federation on the international arena started in 2008 where the military aggression against Georgia was committed. The particular problem for Russian political regime become with the occupation of Crimea and direct involvement into the war on the Donbas regime. But Georgia and Ukraine are not the only “enemies” for Russian politicians. Which neighboring countries do have with Russia hot political disputes, including territorial?

Росія активно будує військові бази в Арктиці

Russia builds the military basis in Arctic
03 Dec, 2015

Although Russia is working actively in order to provide facilities for deploying its military forces in the Arctic region, the commercial purpose of such initiatives still remain unclear. At the same time, there are much more political motivations for Kremlin in the battle over Arctic because Russian intends closing its borders and deploying as maximum military forces in different regions as possible. Ukraine should learn its own lessons. Read more

Як мігранти потрапляють на територію Євросоюзу?

How migrants enter the EU member-states?
06 Nov, 2015

The strong waves of immigrants and asylum seekers from the Middle East and North African countries triggered the so-called “immigrant crisis” in the EU’s member-states. No one in Europe anticipated that during the short period of time dozens of thousands of immigrants had flowed the continent demanding asylum status. The analysis of these phenomena gives the ground to state that Russia is doing its best in order to create a headache for the European Union.

Как «Рошен» попал на столы в Генассамблее ООН?

How Roshen chocolate went to tables of the UN?
19 Oct, 2015

The election of Ukraine as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period of two years – 2016-2017 – was presented by the President of Ukraine as a significant political breakthrough. Having no doubts about the importance of this event, there are some elements of the election campaign that raised serious questions towards the transparency in the MFA of Ukraine.

Украинские аналогии сирийского конфликта

Ukrainian similarities in the Syrian conflict
14 Oct, 2015

The nature of ongoing conflict around Syria has been dramatically changed after the Russian air forces started its operation against Islamic state and Syrian opposition military forces which are fighting with Bashar Assad’s army. The United States has suspended the implementation of some programs aimed at strengthening Syrian opposition army. Where is the Ukrainian trace in those developments?