Europe is expected a number of presidential and parliamentary elections in 2017 which have the potential to change dramatically the political landscape in the key European Union’s member-states. It definitely effects their attitude towards the Russian military aggression committed by this country against Ukraine. It is also expected that some EU countries might initiate the rolling back of the sanctions imposed by the European Union against Moscow.
Як буде мінятися політичний ландшафт Європи в 2017 році?
How the political landscape in Europe will be changed in 2017?
Образ Китаю в українському медійному просторі
The image of China in Ukrainian mass-media
The image of China in the Ukrainian mass media is a subject for profound expert examinations. This country which has a lot of national interests in Ukraine should be most recognizable for average Ukrainians as a partner that provides not only the goods for the national market (sometimes a low- quality) but also investments and technologies. Therefore both – Ukraine and China – have to encourage professional dialogue about further mutually beneficial cooperation in many fields.
Резолюция по Крыму: РФ попытается взять реванш руками «группы 76»
Третий Комитет Генассамблеи ООН, который, в частности, занимается вопросами защиты прав человека, 15 ноября в Нью-Йорке принял исторический проект резолюции о нарушениях прав человека во временно оккупированном Крыму. Этот проект определяет ответственность, которую несет Россия за правовую вакханалию, которая бешеными темпами разворачивается на полуострове уже третий год подряд.
Білорусі стає все важче тримати геополітичний баланс: ризики для України
Belarus is becoming increasingly difficult to keep geopolitical balance: Ukraine’s implication
The outcomes of the Parliamentary elections in Russia which was conducted recently, indicates that official Minsk is slowly turning back from Moscow towards the European Union. But the process of the Euro integration is so invisible and fragile that is too premature to talk about any kind of geopolitical breakthrough. But anyway what does it mean for Ukraine in the nearest future?
Клінтон vs Трамп: як Україні не стати розмінною картою
Clinton vs Trump: how Ukraine not become the bargaining chip
Український фактор чи не вперше за новітню історію набув особливого звучання у президентських перегонах в США. Окрім цього, таких «чи не вперше» виявилося багато у цьогорічній президентській гонці. Так, вперше дружина колишнього президента США стала головним кандидатом на посаду американського президента (від Демократичної партії). Вперше ядерну країну – Росію – офіційно звинуватили у грубому втручанні у передвиборчі перегони шляхом здійснення кібератак, що на практиці означає злам російськими хакерами поштової скриньки одного із кандидатів на посаду президента США (кажуть, що навіть колишній СРСР у кращі часи не дозволяв собі подібних забавок). Чи не вперше кандидата від Республіканської партії (тієї політичної сили, яка завжди буле непримиренною по відношенню до усього російського) напряму звинувачують у зв’язках із Кремлем.
Влияние глобального энергетического рынка на Украину
The influence of global energy on Ukraine
The global energy market is developing actively under the unique geopolitical circumstances – ongoing conflicts in the Middle East region, the LNG gas and oil extractions in the US, Canada and China, tough position of the OPEC member-states in the issues of freezing the volume of daily oil production ect. All those factors are effecting on attempts making by Ukraine on the path of reducing its dependence on the Russian gas and oil.
The Failed Turkish Coup: implication for Ukraine
During the weekend of 15-17 July, 2016 a faction of Turkey’s military attempted to take over the country. World leaders are fearful that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will use these attacks in order to further strengthen his rule. But what happened during the coup? And what sorts of influence does the failed coup attempt have on the rest of the world?
NATO Summit Conclusion: Implications for Eastern Europe, Ukraine, and Russia
From 8-9 July 2016, the annual NATO Summit was held in Warsaw, Poland. The most important part of the summit was the joint collaboration agreement between NATO and the EU. But overall, given the fact that various conflicts and tensions have risen in recent memory, the NATO Summit demonstrated that the alliance is still strong and will look out for its members and partners. But what were the details that were discussed during these meetings?
Китай готовий здавати лідируючі позиції?
Is China ready to step down?
During the last decades we are witnessing that China demonstrates the high international economic activities. But latest developments that are taking place on the Chinese market is demonstrating the slow economic growth. It jeopardizes some Russian plans towards China which is considered official Beijing as a new strategic partner. Who will win in this geopolitical gambles and who will loose in it?
Warsaw Summit of NATO: what Ukraine can expect?
On the 8th and 9th of July, 2016 various heads of state and governments of NATO members countries will meet in Warsaw for NATO’s annual summit. While several things will be discussed during the summit, such the developments in Libya and security in Afghanistan, it is without a doubt that Ukrainian representatives will want to discuss its current military reforms, its continued conflict in Donbas and its Russian military participation.